Saturday, January 26, 2013

Huangluo The World's First Long-Haired Village

It is said that the crowning beauty of a woman is her hair. Well, the ethnic Red Yao women of the Huangluo Village in China have taken the art of hair care to the next level. For them, the hair is the most important possession that any lady can have. They number around 82 households and they got their name from the red clothes that they wear traditionally. 

Their village is set in a very beautiful natural environment and they are strongly into maintaining their old traditions, one of which is an obsession with very long hair. To back up their claims, the Guinness Book of World Records has named the 'Long Hair Village' the 'world's longest hair village'. Of the 120 women in Huangluo, the average hair length is 1.7 meters and the longest can exceed 2.1 meters!!! That's taller than most people! Check out the pictures and judge for yourself.

These ladies believe that long hair brings good luck, fortune and blessings. Welcome to Huangluo, where the hair of the women brush against the surface of the road. And for those ladies in love with Brazilian or Indian hair, I guess Chinese hair is the best for you! :) 

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